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Our WildTime NatureSchool has been developed with Home Educated families in mind and, broadly speaking, consists of two elements; traditional Forest School and educational workshops relating to aspects of the Science, History and Geography curriculum.
The day caters for 8-11 year olds, from 9am - 3.30pm Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays requiring a half termly commitment.  For part of the day we work on projects, building woodcraft and tool use skills.  These activities are interspersed with other woodland activities.  The sessions are carefully planned to engage your child and take into account their personal needs.   Whilst the sessions are carefully planned they are also flexible so we can respond to opportunities for learning and exploration as they present themselves.  Traditional Forest School is primarily about developing your child’s self-esteem and this is the underlying intention during your child’s day at WildTime.
Each half term has an over-arching theme and within each session various aspects of the Science, Geography and History curriculum are explored. As Tim Brighouse (former London Schools Commissioner) says “one lesson outdoors is worth seven inside”. Our delivery is consistent with the child-centred built-to-succeed ethos of Forest School. 

Sessions are delivered by experienced  teachers with additional Forest School Leader qualifications and outdoor learning/teaching experience. We value and respect the rights of the child, WildTime is a family built on trust and equality.

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07771 527464

©2019 by WildTime Education.

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