Welcome to WildTime NaturePlay, a childcare provision for 5 years+ where the children can be themselves, learn to understand others, play and learn in nature and generally have a WildTime!
The aim of WildTime NaturePlay is to allow children to connect with nature, learn through adventure and play, feel happy, safe and secure and love their time with us.
NaturePlay is a gentle introduction and feeder group to our popular NatureSchool provision for home educated children. We are a relationship led practice acknowledging the biology behind why nurturing is so important in early year settings.
There is not an upper age limit for NaturePlay or a set age at which children must transition to NatureSchool as we believe that each child is different, as are their needs. We do however acknowledge that older children usually have a greater stamina for a long day of physical activity which is why NaturePlay has more periods of 'relaxed' play and snack times. NaturePlay allows for much more adult support during free play times and resources are set out to scaffold the children's play when needed, with the adults more involved in the play and games.
Both Nature School and NaturePlay use tools and complete craft based activities as well as elements of ForestSchool and more formal teaching. These adult led teachings are increased in NatureSchool as the children's concentration spans and ability to focus for a length of time also increase.
The NaturePlay staff have been carefully chosen to ensure that we stay true to the ethos of WildTime. We have a fantastic team waiting to meet you with a range of skills, qualifications and personal qualities in teaching, early years, forest school and outdoor learning to compliment our offering.
We believe in protecting nature tomorrow by playing in nature today
We believe in learning through adventure and play
We believe in kindness and cuddles for ourselves and others